Practice Management

onecare practice management

Key Features

Managed Billing

Handles payments processing and generate revenue. Patients can pay their bills online. Comprehensive platform that improves efficiency and eliminates paperwork.

Inventory Management

Effectively manage and track your stock. Insights on inventory and stock.

Reporting and Analytics

Perform Health Analytics, customized reports and financial reports. Intuitive analytics that help identify at-risk populations.


Key part of practice management. It gives your patients the deserved convenience when scheduling appointments, while minimizing your staff’s workload.

Document Management

Enable your practice transition from paper document to full digitalization. Provides easy document import, storage and retrieval.

Secure Messaging

Send messages to your patient and anyone in your team securely. It increases patient satisfaction.

Card Payment and Wallet

Simplified billing and payment process. Patient can settle bills using Card and Wallet.

Role Based Access (RBA)

Automated RBA control for healthcare providers. Privacy mechanism to prevent unauthorized access.